The Transcontinental
Rifle Association
Shooting with us.
In 2013 Raf visited Australia and shot 303’s with the Hill End Rifle club. This was so much fun, that Raf said he would get some British shooters to compete postally with the the HERC. As time went by, more and more people wanted to join in and admin became difficult. “why don’t you start your own club?” asked Andy.
“I need a chairman” Raf replied.
“I’ll do that” said Andy, and so the two friends created the TCRA.
Andy was being generous as he had no interest in wooden walking sticks, but within months the TCRA had a small cadre of long range shooters who competed in regular competitions to the mile. (1760 yards) In a rather tongue in cheek manner this was renamed “remarkably long range”. Nothing stands still in life, and rising cost of ammunition and range hire kept the RLR cadre small. One day as an experiment the two cobbled together a cheap competition that shot on figure 14 sniper targets. Originally at 300 and 600 yards, this morphed to 600 and 1000 yards. (yes that is a figure 14 at 1000 yards) . This caught on and became our most popular shoot. One day an NRA booking was suddenly changed to 200 yards, and Raf was faced with the prospect of some disappointed shooters, so he cobbled together the most challenging 200 yard CSR competition that he could make. So popular was the shoot that the course of fire was given to clubs all over the eastern seaboard of Australia. This has now become our 200 yard international CSR shoot. With regular Hesketh Prichard Challenges, historic and modern service rifle shoots the TCRA became too much for two people to organise, and so in 2022 Tom was asked to join the management team. He brought with him new ideas and energy that have greatly improved the operations of club shoots. We are wondering what will come next?
The TCRA is a home office approved, NRA affiliated club number holding NRA no C1853. The TCRA is nomadic and shoots all over the UK. The TCRA welcomes applications from new members who are safe and not annoying.
Our Major Shoots
Remarkably Long Range (RLR) Accurate precision shooting from 100 to 3000 yards using calibres such as 6.5mm, 7.62mm, 338 Lapua Magnum, and .375 Cheytac.
These shoots are held at Orion Firearms Training in Wales & Sealgair Range in Scotland.“The Hesketh Prichard Challenge”. A first shot first hit, sniper challenge at ranges from 600-1000 yards. This shooting is for .30 calibre and below, and requires extreme precision and knowledge of dope tables at all distances, as sighters are rarely allowed. The HP challenge is shot at Bisley. All FAC holders are welcome.
“The Kut El Amara Friendship Shoot” is a series of Historic Service Rifle Competitions that run through the year leading to an aggregate score with a global winner and global club winner.
The Kut El Amara is shot at Bisley, all FAC holders are welcome.
In addition, We also shoot a practical shotgun from time to time.