Upcoming events.
To view events in calendar format click below.
TCRA - Chobham Ridge
Chobham Ridge has two ranges, the main one starting at 220 yards out to 1300 yards, and a short range starting at 75 yards out to 400 yards. Both ranges are rated up to .308 calibre.
Meet at 0800 at the Pavillion car park (Bisley) for a range briefing, from here we will drive in convoy to Chobham Ridge.
TCRA - Historic Service Rifle Weekend
SUNDAY 8th - All day - 300/600 - HESKETH PRICHARD MATCH
TCRA - Historic Service Rifle
Join us for our annual Kut El Amara match at 300/600 on Century.
TCRA - Chobham Ridge
Chobham Ridge has two ranges, the main one starting at 220 yards out to 1300 yards, and a short range starting at 75 yards out to 400 yards. Both ranges are rated up to .308 calibre.
Meet at 0800 at the Pavillion car park (Bisley) for a range briefing, from here we will drive in convoy to Chobham Ridge.
NRA - Imperial Meeting
A placeholder the NRA Imperial Meeting. No TCRA shoots will be scheduled in July.
The TCRA are hosting the Lee Enfield Rifle Association of Australia (LERAA) for the historic matches this year. We encourage all members on camp to warmly welcome or friends from LERAA and to assist them in any way possible.